Thursday 14 April 2011

Single sheet binding 2

Today I have discovered very useful blog if you are going to bind a book yourself. Dennis's blog has lots of tutorials and examples of hand made binding. Above is a tutorial for single sheet binding i am interested in right now. I will need to find a best way of binding my Kawaii planner I am designing for Final Major Project. For now I have only one option: spiral binding.     

Here are some highlights of the process (clockwise from top-left):
1. The slits for the tapes are chiseled. As the cover paper is a pattern of vertical stripes, the slits are positioned on the lines for a neat look.
2. After chiseling, if the slits are not wide enough for the tape to pass though, use a micro-spatula to widen it, by rocking back and forth.
3. Insert the tapes into the slits by the help of a micro-spatula.
4. After all tapes are inserted, hammer the slits closed by a mallet over a piece of (book) board 

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